Pursuing Truth

Building life on a solid foundation

If we asked around how people felt about work in general, I believe the universal consensus would be that work is not desirable, that it is a necessary evil. Most people dream of not having to work. And yet, the Bible teaches that work is a beneficial endeavor, one that is part of God’s design for mankind.

Works means to do an activity in order to reach an objective. There are countless such activities that people do. Washing dishes, planting vegetables, assisting customers in a shop, driving a buss, building a house, performing surgery, teaching children in school are among the many manifestations of work. Some work is paid and some is voluntary.

The Challenge

Work is often difficult. Whether it is something that we do in our free time or for a paying job, we come across a number of challenges. Sloth is perhaps our greatest enemy. Sometimes, we simply don’t feel like doing anything. In addition, and this is true mostly of paid work, frequently we need to follow the vision of those in charge, something that we might not always like. Moreover, often we have to work along people with difficult personalities. Despite not always being easy, we need to do the work that is set before us. Even more, we need to do it in a certain way.

Work in the Bible

The first thing we need to notice is that God Himself works. The universe exists because God was involved in some work. In Genesis 2:2 we read that on the seventh day God ended His work and rested. This was not a one-time event, though.

God is continually at work. In John 5:17 Jesus declares, “My Father is always at his work to this very day, and I too am working.” Jesus says that the Father is always working and that He, also, is doing the same.

Furthermore, God created man to be a worker. Right from the beginning, in the Garden of Eden, God gave man something to do. Some people might think that we have to work because of the fall, but here we see that even prior to that work was established to be a part of life for man.

After the Fall

Once Adam sinned, the circumstances in which man had to carry out the work changed dramatically. Genesis 3:17-19 describes the change that took place. This is when the environment in which man was to work was compromised. Since then, man encounters all kinds of problems and obstacles in his work. It is the element of toil that makes so many wish they would not have to work. However, work does not have to result in frustration, stress, and disappointment. Nor should it be seen as a curse. Work can be a joy, even if it is hard and does not bring as much fruit as we would like.

Redeemed Work

Those who put their faith in God will try to be pleasing to God through their work as well. Work is an opportunity to glorify God. In Ephesians 2:10, we read that “we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ to do good works, which he prepared in advance for us to do.” This is what Martin Luther said about how Christians should view work: “Your work is a very sacred matter. God delights in it and through it He wants to bestow His blessing upon you. This praise of work should be inscribed on all tools, on the foreheads and on the faces that sweat from toiling.”

We have several verses in the Bible that speak about the attitude needed for work and that the way we work should be done for the glory of God. Perhaps the most complete instruction on this is in 1 Corinthians 10:31, which says:

Whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.

There is great responsibility for having the right work ethic that goes beyond our own personal reputation. In addition to personal growth, we find motivation in knowing that God is glorified if we do it right.

The Discipline of Work

Having the right work ethic has a spiritual dimension, one that, like other spiritual disciplines, relies on following certain principles. Here are four vital elements in the discipline of work.


The Bible teaches that man should work and he should do so with a certain level of energy. A lazy and lethargic approach to work is condemned. In 2 Thessalonians 3:7-10, Paul describes the example that he and his co-workers provided to the believers in Thessalonica. Even though they were entitled to receive payment for working for the Lord, they chose to work alongside them in order to earn a living and to pay for their expenses. They wanted to make a strong statement against idleness and laziness. Anyone, who is able to work should not be idle or be a parasite, but they should fulfil their responsibilities.


This is the second element in the Christian work ethic. In Colossians 3:23 Paul writes, “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human master.” Also, in Rom 12:11 he says “Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord.”

Having enthusiasm is easy when the work we do is something we are passionate about but if it is only a means of paying the bills this might be a little harder. Nevertheless, Scripture tells us that whatever we do, we should do it as we would work for the Lord. This alone is enough reason to have enthusiasm in what we do.


Another important part in working for the glory of God is to exhibit integrity. In Colossians 3:22, we read, “Slaves, obey your earthly masters in everything; and do it, not only when their eye is on you and to curry their favor, but with sincerity of heart and reverence for the Lord.”

Some people are the best workers when the boss is around but when he/she is absent the commitment to their work diminishes. Even if no one is around to see what we are doing, we know that God sees everything. We need to be self-conscious of this always and act accordingly.


This means that the work we do should be work well done. Christians should always do good work. They should be people of integrity, they should be dependable, and they should have a positive attitude. Showing such qualities will inspire others to do better.

Discipline in the way we approach work is vital. Because we live in a compromised world, the work we have to carry out will often present challenges. Nevertheless, the Bible teaches us that work is a way to please God and to glorify Him. Work is a way to testify to others about the change in our lives, about the new creation, and about the indwelling of the Holy Spirit in us.

We will be blessed by approaching work in this way. We will be at peace with our jobs and we will be able to have joy in our hearts. Having this mindset is possible if our lives are built on the proper foundation, if Jesus is Lord in our lives. In Isa 40:31, we read that “those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.” If we receive this strength, we will be able to work with energy, enthusiasm, honesty, and excellence.

Photo by Dominik Scythe on Unsplash